Sunday, December 25, 2011

Living by the True Light

See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ (Col. 2:8).

As we entered the sanctuary of our church last night to celebrate the birth of Christ, we were invited to pick up a candle that would be used toward the end of the service. I quickly surveyed my options-candles previously lit, short candles, long, unlit candles, and candles with drippings of dried wax attached down their sides. Then I saw my prize. A glow stick. How much fun. At the right time I would break the contents, and then with no risk involved, shine my light. To my surprise, the rest of my family opted for the real thing- a candle. As we enjoyed the beauty of scripture reading and music, I highly anticipated breaking my glow stick. My family, I was sure, would regret not holding a glow stick. When the time came, a candle was lit and passed around for those with candles to light their candle off of. Yep, I broke my glow stick. I would not have to depend on my neighbor, nor would I have to risk "operation candle clean up". But, something happened that I did not expect. I began to question whether or not my glow stick could really be considered a true source of light. Had I been beguiled by the sleek, easy appeal of the glow stick. I was not able to share my source of light like my family had experienced. One candle lighting another. I sat alone with no one to share my light with. I began to regret my choice and realized how easy it is to be deceived by the appearance and false promise of "truth". I was here celebrating Truth-the birth of Jesus Christ. Christ, the only true light of the world. The promise of a king who gives eternal life. A God who is able to transform one life, and through transformation change another life. One life sharing with another. I had missed my opportunity to share. I allowed the ease and safety of my "false light" to take me captive. What gilded truths are you allowing to eclipse the truths of Christ? Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." John 14:6      


  1. I love the analogy...the sleek, appealing light could not be shared. We had a candle light ceremony at the end of our service last night too. It was wonderful to share our light with one another. Now, to follow through letting my light shine when the rubber meets the road tomorrow. Merry Christmas and let our lights shine!

  2. Lynn,this was so good. The funny thing with me is I would have felt peer pressure to take the candle!! LOL
