Saturday, June 23, 2012


...let us lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. 

Hebrews 12:1

Recently I hosted a garage sale for my daughter, who had asked me to help her raise money for a one year assignment she received in China. Haltingly, I agreed. I had previously declared that I would "never again" host a rummage sale, but here I was sorting through clothes, household items, and various other "absolutes" that no longer held sway over my fickle emotions. When the sale was over, I was relieved to have the needed space. Once again, I felt free from the encumbrance of material possessions that require both time and mental energy to maintain.

As I reflect on this experience, I realize there is another sale I need to hold. I need to declare "soul sale." I need to sort through the responsibilities I have, the obligations I have committed to, and the unnecessary entanglements of complicated relationships. I have noticed that when I do not clear the attic of my soul, then I lack the ability to maintain the focus of what is both necessary and divinely ordained. 

God has uniquely created us to live with meaning and purpose. We have been given a direction, but the clutter in our lives clouds our vision and understanding of His intentional direction. We must post a "soul sale" up that would require sorting and pitching the "entanglements" that prevent us from living full and meaningful lives. What is it you need to sort through and pitch? Today, host a "soul sale" and enjoy the freedom of living unencumbered for the Lord. 

Today, Lord, show me what responsibilities and obligations I need to release. Free my soul from the chain of expectation, and let me live as you intended; with meaning and purpose. Today, I declare a "soul sale." Amen.

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